Water treatment and sustainability


Marel’s cost effective and energy efficient water treatment systems solve some of the most difficult challenges with wastewater disposal.

Today, food processing companies are seeking ways to become more sustainable and improve their water usage; from conserving water to more efficient cleaning processes and improved wastewater treatment.

It has become yet another part of the measures food companies take to preserve a precious commodity, protect the environment and lower costs.

The right system

Marel Water Treatment offers primary, secondary and tertiary treatments for all types of food processing wastewater. As a specialist in the treatment of industrial wastewater, Marel provides systems that are efficient, easy to use and characterized by low maintenance.

“The main challenges our customers face include water supply issues, energy usage, rising operational costs, higher concentration of pollutants and the increasing costs of sludge waste disposal,” says Maarten ter Woerds, manager sales engineering at Marel.

He adds, “All these issues require water treatment solutions and systems that deliver the end results that comply with local laws and regulations.”

Cost effective and energy efficient

Marel Water Treatment offer systems that can purify water to any desired degree of purification with different systems and solutions, each with their own characteristics.

The company offers a variety of systems for pretreatment, biological treatment, advanced purification and sludge treatment for a variety of applications.

“We approach all projects by examining the production processes to see where the company can save on water usage, treatment and disposal while creating systems that are environmentally friendly, cost effective and energy efficient.”

Meet discharge regulations

Armed with decades of experience, the Marel Water Treatment team has designed and supplied treatment facilities around the world; from Russia to Argentina and Canada to Australia.

Companies across the globe need to meet discharge regulations that vary from country to country and even from region to region.

To help meet these requirements, Marel Water Treatment focuses on the production processes and size of each customer to make sure that any solution directly meets their needs.

“We know the customer’s process and can adapt the design of the water treatment to each specifically, creating solutions that focus on how to manage effluent effectively,” says ter Woerds. “We also urge our clients to maintain an efficient process and be prepared for the future, as requirements can tighten and unforeseen issues arise.”

Full software control

The solutions come with software that is developed specifically to control and monitor wastewater treatment. The software makes it easy to manage the operation, it is user-friendly and helps keep the treatment facility running at optimal capacity.

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