

  • Endless production
  • Spectacular savings in casings and labor
  • Excellent adhesion to the meat mass
  • Very flexible adjustment of length and diameter


Two pumps supply the meat mass and the alginate casing gel, which adheres superbly to the meat mass. The diameter of the extrusion out-feed will determine the caliber of the sausage rope to which, while it is being formed, a layer of gel is applied. As it is passed through a salt bath the casing acquires exactly the required stability.

When compared to conventional production methods, cost savings are significant and food safety aspects unequalled. The resulting sausages respond extremely well to heating. Due to the superior adhesion of the casing, sausages remain straight, exhibit very little shrinkage and retain moisture well, giving you a juicy, tasty sausage.

  • User-friendly touch screen controls
  • Very accurate weight and length
  • Produces up to 1000kg/h


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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