Cutting-edge technologies at Mercoagro

Marel’s innovations perfectly match the South American market

Mercoagro 2023 Stand

Marel’s return to Mercoagro 2023 after a five-year absence was marked by the launch of innovations tailored to the South American market. The event, which took place from September 12th to 15th at the Tancredo Neves Exhibition Park in Chapecó, Brazil, captured the interest of over 20,000 visitors, traveling from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Honduras, Bolivia and more countries.

Mercoagro 2023 Eviscerator

As a global leader in providing innovative solutions for food processing, Marel presented its advanced, intelligent and digitalized technologies, demonstrating its confidence in this long-lasting Brazilian exhibition.

The results exceeded expectations. Visitors at the Marel booth were impressed by the cutting-edge technologies of the newly launched Nuova-i eviscerator and the I-Cut 360 portion cutter, designed to meet the needs of Latin American processors.

Promising results

Francisco Leandro, Marel Regional Service Director, emphasized the significance of Marel’s presence at Mercoagro. “We brought a lot of innovation, both in the poultry and meat sectors, along with the ever-growing importance of services,” he says. “Services are a way to help customers gain even more value from our equipment. It is a win-win connection between the service department and the customer. Service will always be one of the cornerstones in market development.”

Fernando Roos, Marel Regional Meat Sales Director, talks about the importance of Mercoagro for the regional meat industry. “The exhibition welcomed many visitors from all regions of Brazil and South America. We believe that we are on the right path, as we continue to develop and offer innovative solutions to customers in these markets. Our focus remains on helping them achieve higher productivity and improved yields, enabling them to stay competitive.”

For meat processors, Marel develops the complete chain, from modular machines to integrated solutions, using connectivity to provide highest performance. At Mercoagro, Marel showcased advanced solutions for the pork and beef processing industry that enhance raw material utilization, ensure flexibility and sustainability and reduce labor dependency.

Mercoagro 2023 Icut360

Focus on digitalization

During the exhibition, Marel officially launched the Nuova-i system in Brazil, a technology that represents a significant step in digitalizing evisceration in the poultry industry. Technical innovations enable the equipment to separate viscera from the carcass with extreme efficiency. Viscera packs are now uniform and compact, resulting in higher yields, cleaner carcasses, and even higher operational hygiene standards. The Nuova-i eviscerator is software-controlled and can be operated through a touchscreen. It ensures intelligent evisceration management, with optimal performance in viscera handling.

Marel’s Regional Poultry Sales Director Ruud Beckers concluded that Mercoagro is at the heart of Brazil’s poultry industry, attracting a broad audience, from production supervisors and maintenance engineers to management. “It was fantastic to see the excitement on people’s faces once they saw our Nuova-i and realized they witnessed the future of evisceration in Brazil. Operators and maintenance workers see their daily challenges now resolved, and some visitors simply couldn’t believe their eyes. A new era in evisceration has truly arrived, bringing intelligence to the line.”

Focus on thin portions

Marel also launched the new I-Cut 360 portion cutter during Mercoagro. It is the ideal portioner for retail meat processors and foodservice providers. The I-Cut-360 offers versatility, high productivity, optimized yield, and reduced waste when cutting fixed-weight portions to a thickness of approximately 3 mm.

“The development of the I-Cut 360 was driven by the demand from the Latin American market, which had long sought a machine capable of simultaneously cutting fixed-weight thin portions,” says Lars Balleby, Marel Global Product Specialist. “We started the development process about five years ago, and now we are proud to introduce the I-Cut 360 to the Brazilian and Latin American markets.”

The specialist noticed that visitors were impressed with the new knife technology that cuts portions down to 3 mm. “Given the results, I’m confident that we will see plenty of opportunities for this machine in the market in the coming months. There’s a bright future ahead for the I-Cut 360.”

To optimize yield, the I-Cut360 maximizes raw material utilization and reduces giveaway. It guarantees precise and uniform cutting without the need for crust freezing, reducing processing costs and contributing to sustainability. Its versatility extends to cutting crust-frozen pieces, enabling processors to easily adapt their production lines.

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