Marel has its science-based targets validated

Marel Has Its Science Based Targets Validated

Marel is pleased to announce that its near-term targets to reduce carbon emissions have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Marel‘s near-term targets cover carbon emissions from our entire value chain, including lowering emissions from Marel‘s operations in line with a 1.5 degree temperature rise as well as emissions from the supply chain and use of products in line with reduction well below 2.0 degrees.

„Marel is delighted to receive this validation and continue on its path as a leader when it comes to sustainability ambitions and actions. By setting clear and science-based targets we are making a clear statement on how we want to make an impact when it comes to fighting climate change. We firmly believe businesses around the globe need to show accountability and understand that future growth and value creation is aligned with treating our planet with respect,“ says Arni Oddur Thordarsson, CEO.

Marel commits to reduce absolute GHG emissions from Marel’s operations (scope 1 and 2) by 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.

To achieve this target Marel will:

  • Power at least 85% of its manufacturing facilities on renewable electricity as per Marel‘s sustainability program. In 2021, Marel implemented a Green Electricity Procurement Policy, on the preferred sourcing of green energy for electricity. This has supported increasing our renewable electricity share for our manufacturing locations to 61% in 2021 (2020: 45%).
  • Boost the energy efficiency of Marel‘s own production and office locations. Marel has a global reach with local presence in over 30 countries. Our Energy Management System Program and Sustainable Housing Strategy among others will support this journey.
  • Further analyze key levers to support Marel‘s overall commitment towards becoming net zero by 2040.

Marel commits to reduce absolute GHG emissions from the supply chain and use of products (scope 3) by 25% by 2030 from a 2021 base year. Greenhouse gas categories covered by this scope 3 target include carbon emissions from purchased goods and services, waste generated in operations, business travel, and the use of sold products.

To achieve this target Marel is committed to:

  • Continuously improve supply chain sustainability and engage with suppliers to define improvements that can be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Marel‘s products during production, the use phase, and end-of-life. For more information on how we engage with our suppliers please visit our supply chain website.
  • Design systems and solutions with the environment in mind. Since 2018 Marel has conducted life cycle analysis on a number of its key products to better understand the full environmental impact associated with its solutions. Since 2017, Marel has employed a Sustainability Innovation Scorecard, a process framework to evaluate new products from a sustainability standpoint. With the newly introduced Sustainability Scorecard 2.0 circular design is added as a new category.
  • Keep the focus on sustainable purposeful travel. During 2021, Marel introduced a new Global Travel Policy with the emphasis on well-planned and purposeful travel. Employee wellbeing and reducing our carbon footprint are Marel priorities and therefore the basis for how we see travel in the future.
  • Further improve Marel‘s waste management system. In several manufacturing locations, Marel is already conducting waste scans and setting up continuous improvement plans.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science. It is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.

Setting a science-based target is a defined path to future-proof Marel’s growth, strengthening our competitive advantage while supporting our customers to be more sustainable. The food industry faces many global challenges, including climate change. Food processors require innovative solutions that meet the needs of present generations without compromising the future of coming generations.

Our vision is of a world where quality food is produced sustainably and affordably. We are setting science-based targets to ensure we continue to minimize the environmental footprint of our operations and support the food industry in taking further steps towards sustainable development.


For more background information please see Marel‘s ESG Explanatory Note, the 2021 Annual Report environmental section, and Marel‘s 2021 TCFD status report.

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