Ice production with optimal hygiene

MAJA Flake Ice output

We currently find ourselves in a situation where hygiene is at the forefront of everybody’s mind. But for us, it’s always been the number one priority. We regard it as a critical part of the ice production process.

Whether you use ice for rapid cooling, as a key component in your production process or as a way to preserve perishable goods, a MAJA flake ice machine will ensure your ice meets the highest hygiene standards. 

We focus on hygiene so you don’t have to 

For many years now, we have been investing heavily in developing technology to improve hygiene in ice productionWe’ve focused on areas such as ease, automation, digitization and sustainability to create a range of methods and features that ensure you can meet and exceed food safety standards with minimal effort. This is something that really has set us apart from the rest of the market. 

Making cleaning as easy as possible 

MAJA flake ice machines have been designed in such a way that even the smallest screw is manufactured to meet with strictest hygiene requirements. We also understand how important it is to make the cleaning process as simple and effortless as possible and incorporate this in all design aspects. The innovative tank in our flake ice machinesmade entirely from plastic, can be removed for manual cleaning more easily than any other available on the market. Besides that, the evaporator is accessible from all sides and the machine’s water tank is free from integral built-in parts, avoiding hygiene-critical angles and edges and making systematic cleaning easier than ever before.

Automatic sanitizing to reduce time and effort 

Even though modern ice machines have a sanitation-friendly design, allowing for quick and easy cleaning, the staff and working hours must still be scheduled to perform cleaning. If the machine is not easily accessible, perhaps in a suspended ceiling or installed on a silo, it can take at least an hours work to gain access, remove, clean and then reassemble components. 

If an ice machine has to be cleaned once a week, over a year that can add up to an entire week’s worth of working hours!

Mario Fuchs
Global Product Manager Ice, Marel

MAJA’s patented self-cleaning system is an option for all flake ice machines. It has an automatic sanitizing cycle that greatly reduces the time required to clean. Most importantly, the machine runs the process unattended, leaving operators free to do other tasks. What might look at first glance like a luxurious optional extra, will in fact pay for itself after a relatively short period. 

Ozone module for still more hygiene

The MAJA ozone module perfectly sanitizes our ice machines, including pipes, machine parts, chutes and ice storage bins. It is a simple solution that connects safely and with ease to the water supply of all MAJA ice machines and only requires a permanent 230 V source of electricity. It is compatible with all MAJA ice machines and can be retrofitted to older models. 

The reactive active oxygen O3 is popular choice in the food industry as an environmentally friendly oxidation and disinfecting agent. It disperses without residue and reliably eliminates microorganisms and odors, both in water and pipes, on machine components and ultimately in the ice. 

Is your ice machine up to scratch? 

If you would like to know how you can make your ice production as hygienic as possible, talk to our experts today. They can help you find a solution. 

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